
Innotech Nutrition Solutions

  • Made In Manitoba

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Innotech Liquid IONIC CALIMAG Rasberry Flavour – Calcium Magnesium 500 ML


Innotech Liquid IONIC CALIMAG Raspberry Flavour - Your Key to Easily Absorbed Calcium and Magnesium

Innovative Ionic Nano-Particle Size Formula

Advanced Absorption for Maximum Benefits

Experience the effectiveness of Innotech's Liquid IONIC CALIMAG, a unique formula designed to provide easily absorbed calcium and magnesium. Unlike typical cal/mag supplements, our proprietary process creates an ionic solution with electrically charged ions, significantly smaller in size (approximately 500-1000+ nanometers). These ions are easily absorbed through the sublingual and mucous membranes of the mouth, bypassing the digestive system.

Why Only 80 mg of Calcium per Serving?

The typical absorption rate of minerals like calcium is around 5%. If you consume 350 mg of calcium but only absorb 5%, you're left with just 17.5 mg. Liquid Ionic CaliMag™ takes a different approach. It is absorbed both in the mouth and stomach, circumventing the common issue of poor absorption by bypassing the digestive process. With just 80 mg of Liquid Ionic CaliMag™ per serving, you can achieve remarkable results from your calcium supplement.

Unlock the Benefits:

  • Helps maintain the health of your bones, cartilage, and teeth.
  • Calcium intake, when combined with sufficient vitamin D, a balanced diet, and regular exercise, may reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Recommended Dose (for adults):

  • Take 1 oz. (30 ml) daily or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
  • For optimal freshness, use within 2 months after opening the container.

Recommended Storage Conditions:

  • Store below 8 degrees Celsius (refrigerate) after opening for best results.

Unlock the potential of easily absorbed calcium and magnesium with Innotech Liquid IONIC CALIMAG Raspberry Flavour. It's the key to supporting your bone health and overall well-being with a unique, highly effective formula.