

  • Made In Manitoba

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Redemade Medium Noodles




A noodle production facility located in Winkler, Manitoba, operated by a family, where they follow traditional methods passed down through generations to create their noodles. These methods involve rolling out the dough, cutting it, and packaging small batches. The outcome is a taste, texture, and quality that evokes memories of Grandma's kitchen, filled with warmth, care, and conversation.

The recipe for Rede-Made Noodles is straightforward. Crafting homemade noodles is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that demands ample space. Recognizing that customers lead busy lives and lack the time to find and make their own noodles, Pete and Eva Redekop established Rede-Made in 1998. They started selling their noodles to family, friends, and local stores in Southern Manitoba.

Experience the delight of savoring authentic homemade noodles, reminiscent of the beloved "Grandma's old-fashioned egg noodles." 

The commitment to quality is unwavering, as Rede-Made exclusively utilizes the finest ingredients procured from Manitoba farms. Rest assured, every step of the production and packaging process takes place in Winkler, reinforcing a pride in being designated as a Manitoba Made brand


  •  Weight: 700g
  • Medium


Cooking Instructions:

Add noodles to boiling water and bring back to boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and simmer (3 to 5 mins. - thin), (5 to 10 mins. - med/wide) or until desired tenderness. DO NOT OVERCOOK!

Préparation: Mettre les nouilles dans de l'eau bouillante et porter de nouveau à ébullition en remuant constamment. Réduire à feu doux et laisser mijoter (3 à 5 minutes - fines), (5 à 10 minutes • moyen/épaisses) ou jusqu'à la consistance désirée. NE PAS TROP CUIRE! "

Rede-Made Noodles can be enjoyed in any pasta dish, soups and stir fry. "Les nouilles Rede-Made peuvent être dégustées avec tout plat de pâte, soupe et sauté.

Ingredients: Wheat flour, Frozen whole egg, Salt Contains: Wheat, Egg

Ingrédients: Farine de blé, Oeuf entier congele, Sel Contient: Blé, Oeuf